Bold And The Beautiful Couples With No Chemistry

The Bold And The Beautiful (B&B) has had its share of epic couples during its 31-year history, but on the flip side, other pairings have been awkward, stilted or obviously just thrown together for the sake of a storyline. Couples either have chemistry together or they don’t and here are 12 B&B Couples with the worst chemistry.

12. Karen Spencer and Ridge Forrester

When Joanna Johnson played Caroline Spencer on B&B, she and Ridge (Ron Moss) burned up the small screen together. Unfortunately, when she came back in 1992 to play Caroline’s long-lost identical twin sister Karen, any spark the actors once had between them had been snuffed out. This couple dated for a short time but due to a lack of chemistry between them, the relationship was short-lived. In terms of a storyline, the fact that these characters never connected romantically actually made sense years later, when Karen revealed a secret she had been harboring her whole life, she was gay.

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11. Emma Barber and Xander Avant

Emma and Xander’s first scene together was supposed to be a meet cute, but Emma showing off her dance moves and accidentally punching Xander in the face (subsequently knocking him out) was more of a meet clumsy. Since then, the scenes they’ve been in together have only gotten more uncomfortable to watch. Maybe it’s because they’re both young and don’t have a lot of acting experience between them or possibly they just don’t have that special something so many other couples have had on B&B. Whatever it is that’s missing between these two, it’s looking like this relationship won’t last long with Xander’s ex-girlfriend Zoe on the scene.

© Howard Wise/

10. Sally Spectra Sr. and Eric Forrester

Viewers were in on Eric’s big secret – he was dating Sally to catch her in the act of stealing Forrester designs. When Eric proposed to her, she had the stolen designs taken out of her fashion show. Stephanie called her out on it and smashed up her (glass) engagement ring. This was a fun storyline at the time but the two actors (John McCook and Darlene Conley) as a couple just didn’t have the right romantic chemistry and watching Eric kiss Sally was cringe-worthy.

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9. Hope Logan and Wyatt Spencer

It was obvious from the get-go that Hope and Wyatt were never meant to be together, so when she married him the day after her true love Liam (Wyatt’s brother) was a few minutes late meeting her under the Eiffel Tower in Paris, it was nothing but awkward. Their romantic scenes together were stilted at best and this coupling that lacked chemistry was over when Hope lost their baby and moved to Italy.

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8. Ivy Forrester and Liam Spencer

Another discomfited romance, which began due to Liam’s tardiness in meeting Hope in Paris, was the relationship between Ivy and Liam. Liam had jumped into the Seine River to save Ivy after Quinn had pushed her off a bridge, causing him to miss his appointment with Hope. After his heroic deed, Ivy started to look at Liam with stars in her eyes. Although the actors tried to make the storyline work, they didn’t even come close to burning up the screen. Luckily, when Liam’s ex-wife Steffy came back to town, this painful couple’s relationship was done.

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7. Katie Logan and Ridge Forrester

When Ridge came back to town after a one-year absence he was a new man, literally. Ron Moss had left the show, was replaced with Thorsten Kaye and the writers decided to pair him up with Katie (Heather Tom), which was a big mistake. Katie feigned a heart attack at Ridge’s wedding to her sister Brooke just before they were pronounced man and wife, and so began the incredibly boring relationship between Ridge and Katie. The first time this couple made love, they seemed so incompatible that it was difficult to watch. When Ridge pledged his heart to her, he presented her with a red ribbon to wear around her finger, instead of an engagement ring. It felt like a bad joke the writers were playing on viewers. Due to the lack of chemistry between the two, and Ridge’s growing attraction to Caroline, this relationship finally ended.

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6. Taylor Hayes and Eric Forrester

When Taylor and Eric got together, shortly after his wife Stephanie died, the actors seemed stilted and uncomfortable and watching them together was about as exciting as watching paint dry. These two just didn’t click and when Taylor revealed at a birthday party for Brooke that Brooke had been pregnant by Bill (Brooke’s sister Katie’s husband) but had miscarried the baby, Eric was angry enough with Taylor to break up with her for good.

© Howard Wise/

5. Brooke Logan and Whip Jones

Whip Jones was clearly in love with Brooke Logan (what man on B&B isn’t?) and her money, so he jumped at the chance to marry and blackmail her at the same time. Brooke had zero feelings for Whip and the two actors (Katherine Kelly Lang and Rick Hearst) did not even pretend they had any chemistry together. The only reason Brooke wanted to marry Whip was to pass him off as the father of the child she was carrying when the father of that child was actually none other than Deacon Sharpe, her daughter Bridget’s husband. Whip knew this and blackmailed Brooke. The scenes between Brooke and Whip didn’t have a flicker of excitement and once Brooke’s secret was out, their marriage was quickly annulled.

© John Paschal/JPI

4. Maya Avant and Carter Walton

Pushed together by Caroline in order to break up Maya and Rick, Carter and Maya never really clicked or connected as a couple. Caroline had arranged for the pair to film Room 8, a web series, together and there was very little chemistry between the two characters, even on this show within a show. Caroline succeeded in breaking up Rick and Maya and Maya treated Carter like he was her consolation prize, even when he proposed to her. So it came as no surprise that Maya spurned his advances when Carter recently told her he still loved her, as the two had never had any chemistry together.

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3. Taylor Hayes and Rick Forrester

It looked like B&B writers had run out of men to hook-up with Taylor when she suddenly became involved with Brooke’s son Rick. You’d think a liaison as scandalous as theirs would be sizzling hot but it didn’t even hit lukewarm status. The actors’ lack of chemistry together seemed fitting, as the only real thing Rick and Taylor had in common was Phoebe – Rick’s ex and Taylor’s daughter. When Phoebe found out about the affair it had heartbreaking consequences – a car crash with Rick driving and Phoebe dying. Her death abruptly ended the relationship between Rick and Taylor.

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2. Dayzee Leigh and Thomas Forrester

Chemistry in a relationship has been described as a romantic spark between two people, and it was obvious from the beginning of this coupling that Dayzee and Thomas had none. The pair met through Thomas’ grandmother Stephanie and her charity work in the Skid Row area of Los Angeles. The relationship between the formerly homeless African-American girl and the privileged, rich Caucasian boy had a lot of promise but it went nowhere fast, due to the lack of chemistry between the two characters.

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1. Bridget Forrester and Ridge Forrester

Watching Bridget and Ridge kiss was not only uncomfortable but also perverse. It’s likely this couple had zero chemistry together because Ridge was Bridget’s uncle, although not by blood. Ridge and Bridget’s mother Brooke had been married when she was a child, which made Ridge her on-again, off-again stepfather. Even worse, Ridge had also helped Brooke deliver Bridget at Big Bear Cabin. Is it any wonder the actors appeared reluctant and even embarrassed during their romantic scenes together?

©Aaron Montgomery/JPI
Bonnie Byrne

Bonnie Byrne

Bonnie is a freelance writer who has a passion for Stephen King novels, Outlander, sci-fi movies and soap operas, especially the Bold And The Beautiful and the Young And The Restless. Her favorite pastime is getting together with a good friend and having a laugh.