Bold And The Beautiful Spoilers For The Next Two Weeks (August 23 – September 3, 2021)

© Howard Wise/

Steffy will make a difficult decision about her marriage when she discovers Sheila inside the cliff house, coming up on The Bold And The Beautiful (B&B). Also, Eric will defend his wife to Brooke and Ridge. Plus, Sheila will target her daughter-in-law. Learn more below in the B&B spoilers for August 23rd to September 3rd, 2021.

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12. Ridge Romances Brooke

Ridge will go all out to romance his wife when he spends some quality time with Brooke. Bridge will not only celebrate their love, but the end of Eric’s marriage to Quinn. They’ll assume the papers ending Queric’s union have been signed, sealed and delivered. However, they’re about to be in for a big surprise.
© Howard Wise/

11. Carter’s Bad News

Ridge and Brooke will be stunned when Carter informs them that Quinn’s portrait is back up at the Forrester mansion, having replaced Stephanie’s portrait once again. They’ll realize it can only mean one thing – Eric is taking Quinn back. Brooke and Ridge will be blown away when Carter confirms their suspicions and tells them Queric has reunited.
© Howard Wise/

10. Eric Defends Quinn

Brooke will lose her mind when Quinn walks into the Forrester Creations CEO office. She and Ridge will both condemn her for getting back together with Eric. But Eric is going to hear them, and he’ll staunchly defend Quinn. The elder Forrester will tell a stunned Bridge he’s not going to allow them to attack his wife.
© Howard Wise/

9. Steffy Worries

B&B spoilers tease that Steffy and Hope will go on an overnight trip and although they’ll discuss Forrester business, Steffy will spend the majority of her time fretting about Sheila. Hope will try her best to get Steffy to chill out, but she’ll be fighting a losing battle. No matter what Hope says to try and lessen her fears, Steffy won’t be able to relax.
© Howard Wise/

8. Jack Hides The Truth 

As viewers recently found out, Jack is Finn’s birth father. He had an affair with Sheila behind his wife’s back and when she became pregnant, he and Li adopted the baby. Of course, Li and Finn have no idea that Jack is Finn’s biological parent. And since Jack has kept it a secret for decades, he’ll do anything to keep the truth from ever coming out.
© Howard Wise/

7. Sheila’s Extortion

B&B spoilers tease that Sheila will blatantly tell Jack that if he doesn’t arrange for her to meet her grandson Hayes, she’s going to blab his secret to both Li and Finn. Jack, who is obviously not the stand-up guy he purports to be, will agree to Sheila’s demand that he arrange for her to meet baby Hayes.

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© Howard Wise/

6. Finn Says No

Finn will tell his father he’s not going to lie to Steffy, when Jack says he should let Sheila meet her grandson. But Jack’s not going to take no for an answer, because then Sheila’s threat to spill the beans about Finn’s paternity will become reality. So, Jack will lie to Finn and tell him that letting Sheila meet Hayes is the best way he can protect his family.
© Howard Wise/

5. Finn Put On Blast

Turns out Steffy’s fears will not be unfounded because when she steps inside her house, she won’t believe her eyes. Sheila will be standing there holding her son. Steffy will obviously be completely stunned by what she sees, and she’ll quickly turn her fury on Finn, who she believes allowed this to happen.
© Howard Wise/

4. Sheila Tries Conciliation

Sheila will be surprised when Steffy catches her with Hayes in her arms. She was not expecting it and will do what she can to cover her tracks. Sheila will smile sweetly at Steffy and talk about how beautiful Hayes is. But Steffy will snatch her son out of the villain’s arms. Then she’ll order Sheila out of her house and tell her to never return.
© Howard Wise/

3. Paris Supports Finn

Not surprisingly, Paris will be there to support Finn after his blowout with Steffy. She’ll sympathize with him and maybe even break another date with her boyfriend, Zende, so she can flirt with Steffy’s husband. But what is Paris’s real agenda here? Is she just trying to be a supportive friend, or does she have her sights set on Finn?
© Howard Wise/

2. Target On Her Back

After getting nowhere trying to play nice with Steffy, Sheila will put a target firmly on her daughter-in-law’s back. She wants to be a part of her son and her grandson’s lives and the only person standing in her way is Steffy. But what kind of despicable plot will Sheila concoct to get Steffy out of the way?
© Howard Wise/

1. Steffy’s Difficult Decision

B&B spoilers tease that Steffy will be forced to make a difficult decision about her marriage to Finn. Now that he’s betrayed her by letting Sheila into their home, Steffy will feel as though she can no longer trust her husband to keep Hayes out of Finn’s birth mother’s clutches. But will Steffy decide to end her marriage even though it’s barely begun? Keep watching B&B to find out!
© Howard Wise/

Bonnie Byrne

Bonnie Byrne

Bonnie is a freelance writer who has a passion for Stephen King novels, Outlander, sci-fi movies and soap operas, especially the Bold And The Beautiful and the Young And The Restless. Her favorite pastime is getting together with a good friend and having a laugh.