Most Unique Celebrity Baby Names Ever

Giving children unique and interesting names has become somewhat of a trend in Hollywood over the past decade. Some names, however, cross the line from unique to downright ridiculous. Here are eleven of the absolute worst “unique” celebrity baby names:

11. Blue Ivy

Music superstars Beyoncé and Jay-Z named their first child Blue Ivy, which, in addition to being a ridiculous name, spawned a host of parodies and conspiracy theories that Blue is a member of the secret organization of the Illuminati. A Tumblr post by Beyoncé hints that Blue might be named after a passage in a Rebecca Solnit novel. At least they didn’t give her a first name of “Poison.” In 2017 the couple welcomed twins with the names Rumi and Sir Carter.

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10. Sunday Rose

Country star Keith Urban and Golden Globe winner Nicole Kidman reportedly named their daughter, Sunday Rose,  after an Australian art collector and patron named Sunday Reed. Unfortunately, Australian art collecting doesn’t exactly pass as an acceptable excuse for naming your daughter a day of the week. Urban and Kidman seem to have learned their lesson, however, since they gave their younger daughter the perfectly normal name of Faith Margaret.

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9. North West

Reality star Kim Kardashian and rapper Kanye West welcomed their first daughter earlier this year by giving her a truly terrible name. Though the couple have claimed “North” is meant to symbolize high achievement or even a guiding light (like the North Star), the fact that North’s full name is North West means that she will forever be remembered as a point on a compass. They followed up by naming their second daughter Chicago, and then their son Psalm.

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8. Heavenly Joy

The birth of a child is certainly joyous, but there are better ways to express that joy than on the baby’s birth certificate. Heavenly Joy’s parents, music producer and rapper Rodney “Darkchild” Jerkins and wife Joy Enriquez, apparently missed that memo and gave their poor daughter an adverb instead of a first name.

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7. Bear Blu

Another bear! Alicia Silverstone gave her son, born in 2011, this unique name. Of course, given that Silverstone made headlines at one point for pre-chewing her son’s food and feeding it to him mouth-to-mouth, perhaps the name “Bird” would have been more fitting.

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6. Buddy Bear

Buddy Bear is the newest addition to celebrity chef Jamie Oliver’s family. “Buddy Bear” makes the poor boy sound like a stuffed animal and practically ensures he will never be taken seriously for the rest of his life. Considering the names of Buddy’s older sisters, however—Poppy Honey Rosie, Daisy Boo, and Petal Blossom Rainbow (also the name of a My Little Pony)—Buddy seems to have gotten off lightly.

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5. Zuma Nesta Rock

Zuma is the second son of singer Gwen Stefani and Gavin Rossdale. He is reportedly named after Zuma Beach, California (and not the popular online game Zuma). “Nesta” is a nod to Bob Marley (Nesta was his original first name) and “Rock” presumably refers to the couple’s musical background. Baby names with personal meaning are perfectly fine, but Stefani and Rossdale went overboard with this strange concoction. Although unique names seem to be something Stefani likes as her other children are Kingston, and Apollo Bowie Flynn Rossdale.

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4. Bronx Mowgli

Bronx is the son of Ashlee Simpson and Fall Out Boy bassist Pete Wentz. Wentz told Ryan Seacrest in an interview that he and Simpson connected over The Jungle Book, a Kipling story (and later Disney movie) starring Mowgli as a young boy raised by jungle animals. Perhaps their son’s unique name is an ill-fated attempt to blend Mowgli’s jungle with the “concrete jungle” of New York City. Ashley Simpson named her second child Jagger Snow Ross with second husband Evan Ross while Peter Wentz went on to welcome Marvel Jane Wentz and Saint Lazslo Wentz.

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3. Apple

Apple is the eldest child of Academy-Award-winning actress Gwyneth Paltrow and Coldplay frontman Chris Martin. Paltrow claimed in an interview that Martin was the one who originally came up with the name, but given Paltrow’s penchant for strange cleanse diets, it may very well be that she honestly mistook her daughter for a piece of produce. Of course their name choice for their son was also very unique as they went with Moses Martin.

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2. Moxie Crimefighter

Moxie is the daughter of magician Penn Jillette of the well-known duo Penn & Teller. Moxie’s first name is unusual but not horrible—“moxie” is slang for spirit or fierceness. Her middle name, however, takes the theme a step too far. Jillette has admitted in an interview that Moxie was not originally going to have a middle name at all, until Jillette added it on as a joke. Unfortunately, the joke seems to be on poor Moxie. Their son’s name is Zoletn Penn Jillette.

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1. Pilot Inspektor

Born in 2003, Pilot Inspektor is the oldest son of My Name is Earl star Jason Lee. Lee named his firstborn after listening to Grandaddy’s song “He’s Simple, He’s Dumb, He’s the Pilot.” While people have been naming their children after songs from time immemorial, naming your son after a title character who is professedly “simple” and “dumb” doesn’t seem like the wisest (or nicest) parenting choice. Lee is also the father to a daughter, Casper, son, Sonny, and another daughter Alberta “Birdy” Lee.

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