Grey’s Anatomy is no doubt one of the most popular primetime television shows! This critically acclaimed series has been on air since 2005 and now has 14 seasons under its belt. Created by Shonda Rhimes and starring Ellen Pompeo, Grey’s Anatomy has been so successful and much of this success is thanks to the amazing cast. Not surprisingly, a long-running show like this has gone through many, many cast changes. We’ve seen lots of characters come and go. Some were much more painful to let go of than others, but since there’s always room for one more on the cast of Grey’s Anatomy, we’ve compiled a list of 8 characters (who are still alive) we’d like to see make a comeback!
8. Addison Montgomery
When Addison Montgomery first began appearing on Grey’s Anatomy in season 2, she was definitely not welcomed with open arms. She was the woman who swooped in and ruined Derek and Meredith’s epic love story, but as the story evolved and we learned more about her character, she did become a fan favorite. In fact, her popularity grew so much that she was given her own spin-off series! While she could be viewed as a little selfish or entitled at times, she was a respectable, powerhouse surgeon, who was also hilarious! We absolutely loved her self-deprecating sense of humor and while she made some mistakes along the way (mostly with Mark), she was definitely relatable to women who were faced with the daunting task of moving on after a failed marriage. Dr. Montgomery would make a great re-addition and it would be super easy to reintegrate her into the current storyline!
Ron Tom / © ABC / Courtesy Everett Collection