Days Of Our Lives’ 12 Most Unbelievable Character Transformations

Most soap opera characters tend to change over time; however, there are also crazy character transformations that can occur due to plot twists and storyline changes. The land of Salem is no exception to this rule and many characters have done some pretty insane things over the years that may seem out of line with their personalities. Below are 12 of Days of Our Lives (DOOL) most unbelievable character transformations.

12. Jennifer Horton

Jennifer Horton has always been Salem’s pinnacle girl-next-door. In fact, she’s been a goody two shoes from the start. Still, her personality took a turn for the worse when she had an opioid addiction back in 2016. She stole pills, engaged in a highly toxic relationship with Eric Brady that centered around alcohol, drugs, as well as sex, and fell very far away from the value system that her character has been known for. In many ways, it was weird for Days’ fans to see Jennifer during this time. Thankfully, she kicked the habit and is back to her old self.

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11. Chloe Lane

Chloe has always teetered on doing good and bad things during her stint in Salem; however, she crossed the line in and around 2012 when she was involved with Daniel Jonas. Chloe was obsessed with Jonas to the point where she committed heinous acts to keep him with her and away from then-love, Jennifer Horton. She tried to drug Jenn, set her up to look like a bad seed in front of Daniel, and even used their son Parker as a way to keep Jonas from being Horton. Since that time, Lane is back to being a good citizen in Salem, but boy did she do some unbelievable things back in the day.

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10. Marlena Evans

Marlena Evans is infamous for having some crazy storylines over the years. One of them that most DOOL fans are familiar with is when she was possessed by the Devil. Evans did some shocking things while under Satan’s influence, including kidnapping and torturing Kristen DiMera, lighting the town’s Christmas tree on fire, and so much more. However, at the end of the day, the devil clearly made her do it.

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9. Kayla Brady

Kayla Brady is one of the few DOOL characters on the show that has remained wholesome and good throughout the decades. Well, other than that brief stint of craziness back in the late 1990s. After Steve died, Kay shacked up with her sister’s ex-husband Shane and the two fell in love. The Kayla character at that point turned a little weird, especially when sissy Kim walked back into the Salem picture. No longer the sweet innocent type that fans loved, Kay was the manipulative one when it came to the Shane/Kimberly/Kayla love triangle. Shane and Kayla would eventually break up and Kayla headed to Los Angeles for some time. When she returned to Salem in 2006, she came back as the same sweetness that fans had grown to love. Thank goodness for that!

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8. Ciara Brady

Recasting a character can transform them into an entirely different person. Such is the case with Ciara Brady. Ciara, circa 2015 to 2017, lacked passion, spunk, and any heart; however, Victoria Konefal’s portrayal of the character has brought new life into Ciara. The actress has also added some edge to the character that is reminiscent of Bo Brady, Ciara’s late father.

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7. Claire Brady

Speaking of Ciara, her niece Claire has been a thorn in her side for years now. What started out as a sweet and endearing role, Claire has unbelievably transformed into a manipulative, seductive, and overall brat. She loves to stir the pot and especially loves to drive her Auntie Ciara up the wall. Will these two Bradys ever bury the hatchet and become friends?

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6. Nick Fallon

As part of the Horton clan, Nick Fallon seemed like a decent guy when he entered the land of Salem in 2006. Sure, he was the socially awkward, nerdy type but was overall a good person. By the end of Fallon’s three years on DOOL, Nick would end up being obsessed with Melanie Jonas and then sent to prison for murder. Fallon would return in 2012, seemingly reformed, only to slowly show his true manipulative colors. Days’ fans always felt like they were on a roller coaster with Fallon, as he would swing high and low during both of his DOOL stints.

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5. Abigail DiMera

What is going on with Abigail lately? While she’s struggled with mental health issues in recent years, this multiple personality disorder has her doing some unbelievable things. Cheating on her husband is one thing but throwing BFF Gabi under the bus while in court and accusing her of things she didn’t do is another. Here’s hoping that Abby can get her act straight and soon.

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4. Jack Deveraux

Speaking of Abigail, her dad Jack made an unbelievable transformation, but this one was for the better. Jack was a manipulative man, who was known as a rapist and abuser when he first entered the land of Salem. While his love affair with Jenn helped transform him into a decent human being, many couldn’t believe he had made such a change for the better. In fact, when former love Melissa Horton came back to Salem in 1990, she truly believed that Jack was still the terrible man she once dated until she was shown otherwise.

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3. E.J DiMera

Speaking of zeros that turned into heroes, E.J. DiMera is a fine example of how villains can make that incredible transformation into a good guy on a soap. He was a DiMera, so that was a strike against him, plus when E.J. entered the Salem scene he was all-around manipulative, a major schemer, and dirtbag. Things changed for E.J. after he fell in love with Sami and the two had a family; he slowly, but surely, became (somewhat) of a decent human being.

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2. Ben Rogers

Ben Rogers had criminal tendencies locked in his DNA thanks to dad Clyde but was a pretty decent guy when he first hit DOOL. Which made the big reveal that he was the Salem Necktie Serial Killer in 2015 all the more shocking. He then went on to kidnap and torture Abigail, her baby, and Chad. Since then, Ben’s stayed on DOOL’s bad guy list.

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1. Brady Black

Brady looks like he may be swerving back to the personality Days’ fans have grown to love; however, the popular DOOL character did a 180 back in 2017 when he realized then-girlfriend Nicole Walker was leaving him for his step-brother, Eric. Getting upset at Eric and Nicole was one thing, but blackmailing Walker into leaving town with baby Holly so that she and Eric couldn’t be together is another. Shocking and unbelievable tactics from a man most DOOL fans thought was a good guy.

© Howard Wise/
Dorathy Gass

Dorathy Gass

Dorathy Gass is an avid fan of daytime drama and has been watching Days of Our Lives, General Hospital, and Young and the Restless for over two decades now. As a full-time freelance writer, she gets to combine her love of soap operas and writing through her Fame 10 articles. Also a mother of two busy girls and a mommy blogger, she's been published multiple times over in Huffington Post Parents and Scary Mommy.