Michelle Money’s Shares Emotional Update After 15-Year-Old Daughter’s Accident

Bachelor alum Michelle Money is sharing an update on her 15-year-old daughter Brielle, who was hospitalized after a tragic skateboarding accident that landed her on life support and in a medically-induced coma.

Money shared that Brielle was going into surgery on Monday, March 30, afternoon in an effort to reduce the amount of fluid in her brain to reduce the pressure.

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The former Bachelor contestant said making the “heart-wrenching” situation was even more difficult due to the fact that only one parent is allowed to be with Brielle at a time due to ongoing public health and safety concerns.

“First off, I’m alone, because we can only have one parent here at a time because of the virus,” Money said in a video update on Instagram. She added in the caption that Brielle’s dad, her ex Ryan Money, “has been sitting in his car in the parking lot not knowing what else to do.”

“It’s really hard to be alone during something like this, but your prayers and your messages mean so much to us. So thank you,” she thanked her followers, adding that Brielle had just gone into surgery.

“I forget the technical name of it but they’re basically trying to remove fluid from her brain because her brain just has so much swelling and they need to keep the pressure down. So they’re going to be removing some of her brain fluid,” Money said.

She continued. “So that surgery will take about an hour, and then yeah, hopefully, her numbers will get a little lower with the target rate that we’re trying to get to just really reduce the swelling that’s going to happen and cause pressure in her brain.”

Once again, Money thanked her followers for all the thoughts and prayers, and shared that the situation is her “worst nightmare.”

“No mother should ever have to go through this and I just have so much more compassion for those of you who have had to go through something like this. It is just heart-wrenching,” she said. “I’m still just praying for her to pull through this, to get the swelling down so that we can then go and see what damage has really been done and what we need to do.”

“But she is fighting,” Money said of her daughter, adding, “The doctors have been incredible, the nurses, everyone. I have been an absolute mess and have not slept and so I’m forcing myself to sleep while she gets this procedure done. So, I love you guys, thank you, all of you, for all the messages, and I’ll keep you posted.”

In another Instagram post shared hours after the surgery, Money said that it “went great.”

“Her numbers are in a really good place. Two more days to let the brain swell up and monitor until taking her off of sedation to see what we find,” she wrote. “Thank you again for the prayers. You will never know. ❤️”

Earlier on Monday, Money shared on Instagram that Brielle had “suffered a serious brain trauma and a fractured skull” and that she was not wearing a helmet at the time of the skateboarding accident.

“ALWAYS MAKE THEM WEAR THE HELMET. ALWAYS. EVEN WHEN THEY PUSH BACK,” Money wrote in the post’s caption, sharing a photo of her daughter in the hospital.

“Thank you to the neighbors who happened to be on a walk and found her and called 911. You will never understand. I would not have found her in time. My heart is forever grateful,” she added. “Thank you to all of you who have sent prayers and messages and love. Brielle has been through so much already this year. She has proven how strong she is. I know she will pull through. #PrayForBrie”

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Brittany R

Brittany R

Brittany is a writer who is obsessed with rom-com movies, Gossip Girl, reality television, fashion, and pop-culture. When she isn't reporting on the latest celeb buzz, she is filling up her online shopping cart without checking out.