Young And The Restless Plotline Predictions For The Next Two Weeks (January 18 – 29, 2021)

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Will Chelsea continue to stagger with her recovery? Will Sharon and Adam continue to get closer? Will Victoria be able to regain any leverage with Phyllis now that she knows what Red knows? It’s hard for Young and the Restless (Y&R) fans to refrain from speculating on storylines! As such, below are some Y&R plotline predictions for January 18 to January 29, 2021.

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12. Sharon and Adam

Sharon and Adam will get closer in the next couple of weeks, but unfortunately, Chelsea will catch on to this. Y&R previews hint that Sharon will pop by the condo to offer up some resources to Adam, and let him know how concerned she is about him, just as Chelsea’s wheeled into the living room during their conversation.

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11. Chelsea’s Disturbed

Seeing Adam and Sharon talking will undeniably do a number on Chelsea’s mental health. She’s struggling as it is to manage her condition and rehab. Lawson was insecure about Sharon and Adam’s bond before her brain aneurysm, and now that she can’t walk or talk, seeing them together – even just talking – will cause setbacks in her recovery.

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10. The Moustache Gets Involved

Victor is set to approach Sharon on something this week, and it might be about Adam. The Moustache wants nothing more than to see Chelsea get better, so if he puts two-and-two together and realizes that Lawson has suffered a setback in her rehab after Sharon dropped by (the doctor could tell him), then he’ll have no issues laying down the law. But will Sharon listen?

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9. Adam and Sharon Continue Their Thing

There’s no way that Sharon will listen to Victor. She’ll continue “being there” for Adam, and label it under “feeling sorry for him and his situation,” even though it’s clear that she simply can’t stay away. She’ll certainly let Victor know that she only wants to help Adam as a friend and will continue visiting him. She’ll believe she has nothing to worry about; after all, she is a newlywed!

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8. Chelsea Catches More

This week, Lawson will merely catch a glimpse of Sharon and Adam in the apartment together, chatting it up; however, what if she sees them the following week, doing much more? She’ll secretly have to deal with the image on her own. She won’t even be able to call Adam on it or call a friend for support. Stewing on this level won’t be good for her mental health, and she’ll continue to spiral.

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7. Nikki and Faith

Nikki will get involved with Faith this week when Sharon reaches out, asking for help. While it does seem hopeful that Nikki can assist, as she knows so much about the dangers of drinking, there’s a good chance that she doesn’t get through to her granddaughter. Y&R spoilers hint that Faith will still be a concern of Nikki’s during the week of January 25th. Could Faith believe that Nikki is overreacting or think that she’s being “lame” about things? She’s a teenager now, and not the little girl that once thought the sun and moon revolved around Nikki and Victor.

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6. Faith Moves Back In With Nikki and Victor

There was a time, not too long ago, when Faith lived with her grandparents because she couldn’t (and didn’t want to) choose between Nick and Sharon. Could she move in again? Could she invite Jordan for a sleepover? Could the two young ladies organize a drinking bash when the Moustache and Nikki are out of town?

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5. Nikki’s Advice

Victoria will soon learn what Phyllis knows, and there’s a good chance she turns to Nikki for advice. Will Nikki advise her daughter to come clean with Victor? If she does, Phyllis won’t – and can’t – hold anything over her head. Nikki may tell Vicky to keep everything under the rug. Phyllis hasn’t blackmailed her yet, and if Vicky stays on the straight and narrow, there’s nothing to worry about.

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4. Nick’s Brought Into The Loop

With Nick soon to be in the loop over this all, maybe he runs to Victor and spills the goods himself. The Moustache will offer up an ultimatum to Victoria the week of January 25th. He could tell her to clean up her act with Newman and run a tight ship or go somewhere else. If Nick spills, this would only fuel the fire in their current sibling rivalry.

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3. Chabby’s News

Chabby is about to learn that, thanks to her miscarriage years ago, Abby won’t be able to have a baby. This will devastate both of them over the coming weeks. Abby will turn to Mariah, and her family, as Chance will support his new wife as much as possible. It’ll take some time for both of them to digest the information before they start looking into possible options.

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2. Friendly Exchanges

Devon and Elena, as well as Amanda and Nate, will have friendly exchanges this week, so have these exes gone over a hurdle? Can they become friends and move on? According to Y&R spoilers, Devon will start to have second thoughts about breaking up with Elena, so perhaps exes becoming friends means these four are headed into dangerous territory in terms of passion and seduction.

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1. Lily Continues To Have Doubts

Lily will continue to have doubts about Billy over the next couple of weeks. Between Nate offering up a warning about Abbott this week, and all the things Vicky’s up to (using the children against the Bi-Li relationship), Lily may feel as if she’s in way over her head with Billy-boy. It could take a minor miss-step on Abbott’s part to blow their budding relationship out of the water.

© Howard Wise/
Dorathy Gass

Dorathy Gass

Dorathy Gass is an avid fan of daytime drama and has been watching Days of Our Lives, General Hospital, and Young and the Restless for over two decades now. As a full-time freelance writer, she gets to combine her love of soap operas and writing through her Fame 10 articles. Also a mother of two busy girls and a mommy blogger, she's been published multiple times over in Huffington Post Parents and Scary Mommy.